Cortney Page was raised in a foster home from Washington D.C. She took a G.E.D. and went to college at 15 years old. Cortney has been supporting herself, ever since. Ms. Page has a charmed life, but comes from a cursed background. She gets everything she puts her thoughts and energy towards happens. She has shared her secret gift of manifesting to clients worldwide.
Cortney has a nature born talent to overcome major challenges, which makes her an excellent life coach. She is always looking forward with realistic guidelines to manifest and accomplish her goals. Cortney is mostly known for remote viewing techniques and her timeline predictions that she implements in her life coaching.
Ms. Page is a love expert and has proved her matchmaking skills by putting Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain together, along with Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. It has been reported that these couples met before they became a couple. Cortney was the person that introduced them and had recommended marriage to them through life coaching.
Cortney read, “The Magic of Believing” by Claude Bristol. Phyllis Diller would always pitch the book in interviews. Cortney had her first gin martini with the late great comic. Cortney will ask you to read this out dated book, before your first session. It really is the first introduction to quantum physics. It will create miracles in your life after finishing it. What goes into the mind must come out in time?
Time is money. Cortney Page was the originator of the pay per minute software that service bureaus use today. She chooses to live a modest life on a private lake in Southern California. She sees money as a tool and currency, so mix your currency with Cortney for karmic reasons granted by the universe in full force, because Cortney is power energy and the first law of physics is energy cannot be destroyed but transferred. Transfer your currency to Cortney and have her share with you the secrets of success of this universe.
You will gain great success having regular sessions with Ms. Page. It is best on the phone What’s App. She does accept major credit cards over the phone and can be reached at 855-X2C-4U2C or 855-922-4822.